The hallmark of this book in quotes Dalil Al-Qur'an, the Hadith Sahih and Hadith additional dhoif.
"If all the books of Islam is gone, leaving only the book of al-Ihya, he can fulfill all the lost book"
Ihya Ulumuddin is a monumental book of Imam Al Ghazali very well known and has been widely read by many. By scholars jurists, Ihya used as a reference standard in the field of jurisprudence, whereas the Sufis, this book contains materials, subject matter that should not be abandoned. The second portion of the sciences (jurisprudence and Sufism) is contained in this book, making Ihya a very great book, because in it has summarized the various types of knowledge.
Initially copying the book was done by handwriting (makhtutoh) namely Al Ihya made by nearly 120 makhtutoh which is then stored in the libraries of the world-famous, such as the Library of Darul Kutub Al-Misriyyah, Al-Azhar, Paris, Istanbul, Tehran, and more. After the era of the invention of the printing machine, mold Ihya continued and propagated, thus being dispersed to various Muslim countries.
Globally, the overall content of Ihya Ulumuddin has covered three major joints of Islamic knowledge, namely Syari`at Tariqat, and Haqiqat. Imam Ghazali also have connected the third with a practical and easily grasped by reason of readers. As-Sayyid Abdullah Al Aydrus concludes that by understanding the Ihya, someone has enough to clinch the three joints of the Islamic religion.
Zainuddin Imam al-Iraqi said: "The Book of Ihya Ulumuddin is included noblest Islamic texts in knowing the lawful and unlawful, collecting Hakam enacting laws, and pull out the secrets of a very deep understanding. Not enough only problem furu 'and the problem, nor allowed to wade deeper into the ocean floor and unable to get back to shore, but he collected between science and the science of spiritual Zahir, decorate their meaning with the best of the place. Said pearls lafaz and dhabtntya. ". (Ta'rif al-Ahya Fadhail bi al-Ihya: 9).
Quthbil Auliya As-Sayyid Abdullah Al Aydrus Al Akbar advised all Muslims to always hold fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, whereas the explanation (on) both, have been included in the Book of Imam Ghazali Ihya Ulumiddin.
Glance About the author
He is Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali, who is better known by the name of Imam Al Ghazali. He was born in the city of Thos, Khorasan, Persia, in the year 450 AH. Imam Al Ghazali studied jurisprudence at the renowned scholar Shafi'i jurisprudence, namely Imamul Haraini Nfa'ali Abul Al Juwaini (w 478 H) in the country Nisabur, Persia.
Imam Al-Ghazali was a great scholar, mystic, legal experts, who dubbed as Zainuddin Hujatul Islam, he is a prominent scholar who was very influential in the Islamic world. Not only that even the sermons Assembly was named by people with the epithet "great Sorban 300 Assembly". He in addition to jurists, experts also Sufism unparalleled at the time. Imam Ghazali also teaches at the College of Shafi'ites An Mizhamiyah in Baghdad in 484 H.
In the Shafi'i fiqh, he authored the books of Al Wasit, Al Basith Tlan Al Wajiz hitherto used in schools Shafi'ites. One of the books he wrote in the fields of Sufism is the Book of Ihya Ulumuddin, this book is very well known and until now used by all scholars in the Islamic world. Once the breadth and depth of the discussion in this work, a number of scholars many commented on the book. Imam an-Nawawi said: "If all the books of Islam is gone, leaving only the book of al-Ihya`, it can meet all the lost book."
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